I am seriously considering writing a Delphi-to-C++ compiler that is 99% compatible with Delphi XE6.
I’m finding FreePascal to be a bit frustrating, in different ways than the Delphi compiler is frustrating. Embarcadero’s 64-bit compiler has recently profoundly let me down with it’s lack of optimization, while FPC is a maze to navigate and I keep getting random “Fatal: Compilation Aborted” messages that offer no indication to the what the real issue is.
I like to complain a lot that Delphi’s generic support is limited and incomplete, well… I’m finding that FreePascals generic support is even more limited and more incomplete, and the popular Lazarus IDE doesn’t really fully embrace the 2.7.1 compiler in its latest version (am I forced to run an older branch?). I have a lot of code that relies on the elegance that generics can bring to the table. I’d use generics more if either language had a robust implementation of generics. C#, for example, makes great use of generics. FPC supports Generic Classes, but not generic methods at this time. Delphi supports generic methods, but only when attached to a class, there are no generics allowed on global functions. Furthermore there is no proper way to properly reference a generic record because records do not support Interfaces and Interfaces are the way that constraints are expressed in Delphi Generics. I’m tired of a lack of progress by Embarcadero and the community really. I can do this… and it can be good. Continue reading “The challenges of writing a Delphi/Object Pascal to C++ compiler.”