Delphi XE5 Thoughts: Contemplative

Just got my hands on Delphi XE5.  I know that, although the crew at Embarcadero probably broke out the wine and cheese to celebrate the release of their first Android-capable IDE and Compiler, and certainly what they’ve accomplished is a feat no other company, with the exception of Unity3D, has accomplished; I can’t help but imagine that there are some engineers and testers over there that are not feeling too happy right now. Continue reading “Delphi XE5 Thoughts: Contemplative”

I decided to switch to WordPress

After LifeType severely failed me.  I switched to word press.  let’s hope that this site doesn’t get attacked with all the spam attacks that LifeType seemed completely incapable of stopping.  Ultimately I lost about 50 articles.   I’ll be reposting some of the more relvant ones here soon.