Corrupt News Outlets trying to rewrite history, claiming Clinton as Winner of Democratic Debate

The corruption of power and money is evident when you look at shameful articles like this one from CNN.  It seems that there are a lot like them.

Despite the fact that the measurable data out there indicates that Bernie Sanders completely obliterated Hillary Clinton in the debate, you can find many establishment News articles out there trying to quietly sweep his victory under the rug and rewrite history. Continue reading “Corrupt News Outlets trying to rewrite history, claiming Clinton as Winner of Democratic Debate”

Examining the Finity of 64-bit Computing

I think I just totally made up this word, “finity”.  Google has never heard of it, at least.  But it is a word that I thought should be in the English language to describe the properties of a number that is NOT infinite.  I’m not so sure the word “affinity” appropriately describes what I’m talking about… regardless… lecture my on vocabulary later.  In this blog, I will attempt to put into perspective the extent to which 64-bit memory addressing in computers is NOT infinite, but finite.   Continue reading “Examining the Finity of 64-bit Computing”

Review: “America: Imagine the World Without Her”

I was flipping through Netflix, trying to find something interesting to put on the television while I toiled around the house this weekend and found a “documentary” that I thought had an interesting title. “America: Imagine the World Without Her”.

It is hard to describe this movie as a “documentary” without using quotation marks, because, what this movie actually contains is more akin to Goebbels-style, Nazi-era propaganda. Continue reading “Review: “America: Imagine the World Without Her””

Delphi XE8 Review: Releases Without Mention of a Single New Language Feature.

Noticed in my news feeds that Delphi Xe8 was released today.

Unfortunately, I don’t see a single mention of any new language features.   I think this is a shame.  As a software engineer, I spend most of my time writing code, and there consistently seems to be very little attention paid to the core Object Pascal language, which, in my opinion, desperately needs to be pulled out of the dark ages.

Continue reading “Delphi XE8 Review: Releases Without Mention of a Single New Language Feature.”

Everything that’s Wrong with the C++ and Object Pascal Languages

As part of my planning to build a new Object Pascal Language/Compiler that aims to be a better C++ replacement than Object Pascal is currently, I have been thinking a lot about what exactly is wrong and missing in the languages.  The goal of this new language I am creating is to create parity between the two, fixing the problems with both while also paying homage to the legacy and history of both languages.   Here’s my assessment.  This assessment may be edited as I continue to organize my thoughts around the matter. Lets start with the least mature of the languages, Object Pascal…

Continue reading “Everything that’s Wrong with the C++ and Object Pascal Languages”

x86/x64 Delphi, Lazarus, C#, and C++ Compared in Raw Computational power

As part of my research into the amount of effort it would take to invent a new Object Pascal compiler and language variant,  I decided to take some time to dig into the ASM code that gets generated when performing some really simple computations in Delphi and compare the speed of the operations. I then expanded my tests to include competing compilers.   Continue reading “x86/x64 Delphi, Lazarus, C#, and C++ Compared in Raw Computational power”